À propos de cette revue

Studies in Literature and Language is a reputable, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing the fields of literature and language studies. As an open-access publication, we provide unrestricted access to high-quality research for readers worldwide. Our interdisciplinary approach welcomes diverse contributions exploring literary theory, comparative literature, cultural studies, linguistics, stylistics, discourse analysis, and translation studies. With a commitment to academic excellence, all submissions undergo rigorous peer review to ensure the utmost quality and originality. Published under the CC-BY 4.0 license, authors retain copyright while granting the journal permission to publish and distribute their work. Studies in Literature and Language stands as a dynamic platform for fostering intellectual dialogue and promoting global collaboration in the realms of literature and language studies.

ISSN 1923-1555 [Print]
ISSN 1923-1563 [Online]
Frequency: Bimonthly (Since May 31, 2010)

Language: Multiple Languages
Release dates: The last day of each month

Founded on June 30, 2010 (Monthly in 2010. Bimonthly from 2011 to 2014.  Monthly from 2015)
Publisher: Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture (CAOOC)
Paper Submission Email: sll@cscanada.org; sll@cscanada.net

Address: 1020 Bouvier Street, Suite 400, Quebec City, Quebec, G2K 0K9, Canada.
