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À propos de cette revue


Social Sciences Canada is a distinguished scholarly journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research papers in the field of humanities and social sciences with a global perspective. Our aim is to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to share their valuable insights and engage in meaningful discussions that address a wide range of social, cultural, economic, and political issues both within Canada and across the world.


Focus and Scope:

The journal focuses on publishing original research articles, reviews, and theoretical papers that explore diverse topics within the realms of humanities and social sciences. We encourage submissions that examine social phenomena, theories, and methodologies, as well as those that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in areas such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, economics, education, communication studies, geography, and history.


Open Access Policy:

Social Sciences Canada follows an open access policy, ensuring that all content published in the journal is freely available to readers worldwide. We believe in removing financial and technical barriers, allowing researchers, policymakers, and the general public to access the latest research findings without restrictions.


Copyright Notice:

Authors who publish in Social Sciences Canada retain the copyright of their work. The journal requires a non-exclusive license to publish the article under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing the work to be shared, adapted, and built upon while ensuring proper attribution is given to the original authors.


Sponsorship Disclosure:

Social Sciences Canada operates independently and does not rely on external commercial sponsorship. We uphold editorial independence and integrity, ensuring that our content is free from any external influence that could compromise the quality and objectivity of our publications.


History and Archival System:

Social Sciences Canada has a rich history dating back to [year of establishment]. Since its inception, the journal has been committed to promoting academic excellence and providing a forum for intellectual discourse. We have implemented a robust archival system that securely preserves all published content, guaranteeing its long-term accessibility and discoverability. By archiving our content, we ensure that future generations of researchers can benefit from the wealth of knowledge presented in our journal.


Privacy Statement:

Social Sciences Canada respects the privacy of our readers, authors, and reviewers. We adhere to strict confidentiality policies and handle personal information in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Personal information is only used for journal-related communications and is securely stored. We do not share personal information with third parties without explicit consent.


Inclusion in Archival Systems:

Social Sciences Canada is included in renowned archival systems and databases, such as [mention specific databases or systems]. This inclusion enhances the visibility and impact of the published research. It ensures that articles published in our journal reach a wide audience of researchers and practitioners, fostering collaborations and knowledge exchange.


We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic publishing, promoting rigorous scholarship, and facilitating the dissemination of research that contributes to a better understanding of humanities and social sciences on a global scale. We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their work to Social Sciences Canada and join us in advancing knowledge in these important disciplines.